Showing posts with label Healthy Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Soul. Show all posts

Lazy: Apparently Inherited, Not a Habit, Is it True?

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Lazy is human nature. Laziness can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, or at any time you move.

Research recently revealed that laziness is not only influenced by habit, but also because of heredity.

To test this, the researchers used several mice. The rats were placed in the cage wheel to be able to run in it. During the 6 days researchers noted how much time is spent on running the rat.

A total of 26 rats ran most often paired with each other in order to breed. Meanwhile, 26 other mice were rarely ran also paired with each other with the same purpose.

The result, the offspring of mice that have the possibility of more active love to run as much as 10 times compared to the offspring of mice that rarely ran.

A researcher from University College Missouri said, "we found small differences in body composition and level of mitochondria in muscle cells of rats. We also found no genetic differences between two different groups of mice, ".

If the study proved to be relevant to the human condition, then these findings may help identify the cause of someone being lazy in his life.
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Good and Bad Food During Menstruation

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The menstrual cycle is a normal thing experienced by women every month. During the period, women tend to lose a lot of blood that may contribute to the low iron causing headaches and fatigue.

Let not the case, women should examine any food that was eaten to avoid all the problems of menstruation. Here are some foods that should be consumed and avoided during menstruation:


The body needs iron in the red blood cells to transport oxygen, where networks need to keep your body functioning properly. Without enough iron in the diet daily, you may experience fatigue, mental performance is slow and the body temperature down.

If you tend to have menstrual periods 'heavy', it may be a sign of iron deficiency you. To prevent this, eat foods that have a high iron content, such as cereals, soybeans, red beans, black beans, tofu, spinach, peas and raisins.

Linoleic acid and liblenic

When you are having your period is most often experienced uterine cramps. This is due to the increase in prostaglandins which are chemicals that can increase the contraction.

Foods that contain linoleic acid and liblenic can help to contribute to muscle relaxation while menstruating, such as vegetables and fish.

Low salt

When you are menstruating, hormonal fluctuations tend to contribute to water retention, causing bloating. To prevent this, eat foods low in sodium, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Avoid high sodium foods, such as french fries, sausages, pizza, frozen and canned foods, which can draw water into the network. Drinking lots of water is also recommended to help the body to not dehydrated.


Processed foods made with sugar and high-fat foods may contribute to the symptoms of menstrual discomfort, including bloating and cramps. To counter this, avoid fried foods and foods prepared so that tends to have a low nutritional value. Because the body takes longer to digest fat than other substances, then the excess fat can contribute to stomach cramps.
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Consumption of Fruit Before Eating

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Fiber is good for human digestion. Fiber found in vegetables and fruits. By eating fiber, carbohydrate consumption tends to decrease.

"As much as possible before you eat vegetables and fruit bait. So when the big meal, the food intake is not too much," said the doctor.

According to him, eating fruit clever techniques to avoid indigestion, and maintain a healthy weight is the consumption of fruits that contain lots of water such as pear, papaya, melon, as well as the consumption of at least 1.5 liters of mineral water per day.

Before eating, we can eat fruits and drink a glass of mineral water. For example, papaya, apple, pear, watermelon, either consumed at the beginning of a meal bait, and a great meal consumption was fulfilled. Instead banana, orange, or pink either consumed at the end of the meal.

And do not "go crazy" when looking at a wide variety of foods. Because, each of us eat, the brain takes 20 minutes to 20 minutes to capture the sensor. If the sensor is capturing the stomach, making people feel full, and eat again a few hours later.

"As long as we can right composition great results. Could to avoid constipation, toileting pattern smoothly, and keep the weight," he continued.
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Eat Bananas, Migraine Missing

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In most cases, migraine causes pain on one side of the head and sometimes accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

Although the exact cause of migraine is still debated, most researchers seem to agree that migraine is caused by decreased blood flow to brain cells.

In addition, abnormal brain activity caused by stress, certain foods or environmental factors can also trigger migraines.

Yet quiet! Eating foods rich in potassium is believed to help replace the role of aspirin. Here are five foods that repel potent migraine:

Potatoes. Headaches are not only caused by dehydration, but also the loss of electrolytes, such as potassium. Potatoes contain a lot of potassium, which can help relieve headaches.

Bananas. Bananas are also high in potassium, which medium banana contains 10 percent of the recommended intake.

Watermelon. Dehydration is a common cause of headaches so. If you do not like to drink water, replace the water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, which is effective in preventing headaches.

Fish. Omega-3 fatty acids also proven to overcome migraine. Omega 3 is a lot in salmon, tuna and mackerel, can inhibit the inflammation that often trigger the onset of a migraine.

Ginger. Not only help treat nausea, inflammation, allergies, apparently ginger is also able to combat headaches. Ginger can be mixed into drinks or food to treat migraines.
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Egg Yolks Increase Risk of Heart Disease?

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For those who are fond of eating egg yolks should be careful! According to recent research, the more you eat the yolk, the worse the effects will also overwrite your blood vessels.

Results of research by scientists in Canada showed that carotid plaque buildup will happen if more and more people consume the yolk. Carotid plaque itself is a waxy substance that clogs blood vessels and associated reduced blood flow, and can be at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

"Our results indicate a strong association between egg consumption and carotid plaques pile," the scientist said.

"The level of risk of the egg yolk effect seems to be about two-thirds of the smoke. We believe our study makes it important to reassess the role of egg yolks, and dietary cholesterol in general, as a risk factor for heart disease, "he added.

This study assessed the effects of egg consumption nearly 1,200 people, with an average age of 61 years. The result, carotid plaque area will grow with age after 40 years, but can increase exponentially with the length of time smoking and eating egg yolks.

This research has been published in the journal Atherosclerosis. Well, from now on you should eat less egg yolks for your health!
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Effective Diet Tips In One Month

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As the arrival of spring, winter will come to an end gloomily. Means that soon it's time to issue a bikini and shorts! But a month is enough time to prepare the body in the best shape?

Enough time, according to a dietitian and personal trainer Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. But you have to start now.

"It's time to be realistic and act real," he said. "A month is not enough time to remove all grease winter, but do not despair, you can still eliminate 2 pounds or lose a dress size really."

He has the basic rules for eating healthy foods. "Eating healthy is a must if you want to lose weight," he said. Here are several tips from him:

Consumption of foods that are not processed. "If the food is packaged in a box and having three or more basic ingredients, meaning you should not eat it," he said. Focus on vegetables, small amounts of protein and carbohydrates with a medium size.

Reduce the use of sodium, because it makes you bloated.

Avoid sugar in any form. "Read the product label and look for sugar content in any form," he said. "Usually can be identified with the suffix" 'ose,' but it is not always like that. " He also warned that the use of calories and sugar are in beverages, such as fruit juice.

Always drink water! "The majority of your fluid intake should come from water, as well as filling your help," he said. "Plus, your body needs enough fluid to function properly."

Create a food journal if you find it difficult to change your eating habits. "People who write what they eat tend to losing weight is not much more than that," he said.

Of course, diet is only one part of the full process. "Eating a healthy diet to prevent weight gain, but also enough exercise helps you to reduce and tighten the offending area," he said. "The best way is sustainable sport style combined with doing two or more movements reinforcement without a break, followed by a high-intensity cardio intervals. Then try again."

Ideally, he said, you do it 30-60 minutes, 3-4 times a week. "Combine with 20-45 minutes of cardio six days a week, and you can get a beautiful body in quick time!"
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Working Overtime Increases Risk of Heart Disease

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You often overtime? Should begin to be more careful. The reason, recent research reveals that working more than eight hours a day it could increase the risk of heart disease by 80 percent.

The researchers said that long hours can charge thousands of employees to be exposed to the risk of heart attack and stroke. The warning comes following an analysis of 12 past studies since 1958, involving a total of 22,000 people from around the world.

Analysis, by scientists at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, found that those who work longer than eight hours per day had a 40-80 percent chance of developing heart disease.

This increase in the size of which varies depending on how each study was conducted. Rate effect is more pronounced when participants were asked how long they work. When researchers monitored the hours of work, increased risk of heart disease were 40 percent.

Principal investigator said the effect could be due to "prolonged labor and exposed to stress." Other triggers could be poor eating habits and lack of exercise due to limited time.

Middle-aged workers who have working hours for 55 hours or more a week had poorer brain function than those who work less than 40 hours. Not only that, they also had lower scores on tests to measure intelligence, short-term memory and word recall.

In the UK, employees are known to have the longest working hours in Europe, with full-time employees an average of 42.7 hours per week. In Germany typically work for 42 hours, while Denmark worked for 39.1 hours.

It is estimated that more than 5 million people in the UK each year have to work extra hours in order to survive in their work. However, according to the latest research states that if done in the long term could endanger the health of workers.

"There are several potential mechanisms that may underlie the association between long working hours and heart disease," he said.

Besides exposed to psychological stress, he added that the other can trigger increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
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Recognize Migraine Triggers

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Often feel pain in the head and only occurs on one side?

Alert ladies, because you may experience migraine. Recognize some cautions that you can do yourself when a migraine attack.

Avoid excessive stress, because it can increase blood pressure in the body, which will eventually trigger a migraine coming. So from now on try to better control your thoughts and emotions so that stress can be avoided.

Healthy habits, which ... well, you probably already tired of hearing it many times, but it does work, ladies, especially if it continues to be applied in everyday life. FYI, it will feel increasingly intense migraine when you fatigue, lack of sleep, and too much alcohol consumption. So start the healthy lifestyle ... now!

Avoid bright lights, or blinking because you can trigger a migraine. Because migraine sufferers are more sensitive to light, so as much as possible avoid the light coming from the strobe lights or spotlights.
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If You Do Not Want Balding, Stop Smoking

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Almost everyone knows that smoking is detrimental to health of heart. But, probably not many people know that smoking also had a hand in hair loss, graying and balding process.

Cigarette consists of 4,000 harmful chemicals which are damaging health. When cigarettes smoked, all chemicals are also inhaled. Of the entire existing chemical substances, nicotine and carbon monoxide is the "ringleader" of hair damage.

Although gray is one of the problems of heredity, a beauty expert says smoking can aggravate it. Nicotine can cause blood vessels to constrict making it difficult to pump blood from the arteries. Smoking also produces carbon monoxide inhibits the blood's capacity to carry oxygen and remove toxins.

"Both of these factors prevent hair tissue oxygenation and effective removal of free radicals from the body. Thus, it exacerbates the problem graying hair and hair loss," she said.

Both men and women may experience hair loss. Baldness in men is triggered by the male hormone androgen is responsible for damage to the hair follicles. On the other hand, women who had the hormone androgen and estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen may protect against the effects of androgen.

"Women go bald too. Threat is higher than men. However the negative effects of smoking make more hair loss experienced by men than women (it is assumed that men smoke more than women)," said the doctor trichologist

Carbon monoxide in the smoke lowers blood oxygen capacity. Smoking can cause hair growth to replace the hair cells that die from hair loss to be blocked.
More aboutIf You Do Not Want Balding, Stop Smoking

Pomegranate Juice, Youthful Drug

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If you want to reduce stress and prevent aging, it seems you have to eat a pomegranate juice (pomegranate) regularly. According to the scientists, the nutrients contained in pomegranates can reduce anxiety and prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease. Pomegranates can also prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Regular consumption of pomegranate fruit every day will slow the aging process of cells DNA. And that is why people can keep the body in order to stay young. This conclusion is obtained after the research to 60 volunteers. They were fed pomegranate extract in the form of capsules for one month.

At the same time, other scientists also monitor the activity of the chemical content in the body and compare it with the activity of a group that did not consume pomegranate extract. The researchers found a significant reduction in the concentration of marker 8-Oxo-DG, linked with cell damage that causes disruption in brain activity, muscle, liver, and kidneys. Organ disruption in skin wrinkles.

Scientists believe that it is going through the process of oxidation of the cell DNA. Furthermore, the pomegranate is rich in vitamins A, C, E, iron, and antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals.
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Junk Food Causes Early Menstruation

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Get children to eat unhealthy food like junk food instead accelerate puberty prematurely.

Girls at risk of early puberty, about five years earlier.

In girls, early signs of puberty begins at the age of 10-13 years. However, frequency of eating junk food cause they've got her first menstruation at the age of 6 or 7 years old.

A researcher from the University of North Carolina explained that junk food lead to obesity, which can alter the body's hormones. This makes children grow up before his age.

Puberty is characterized by enlargement of breasts and pubic hair grow early. Fatal, feared pregnancy may increase the risk of age when his son was too young.
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If Ignored, 4 Digestive Disorders Can Be Fatal

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Digestive problems can indeed disturb anyone. This problem can occur when the food we eat is not digested properly in the digestive system, so the nutrients needed by the body can not be absorbed properly.

Research shows that about 70% of diseases are caused by indigestion. This figure shows that digestive problems are not trivial matters that should be ignored.

Normally, the muscles of the digestive always move to move food from the stomach into the intestine until it finally discarded. It is this process that allows food to be processed from one stage to another stage.

However, in case of indigestion, the nerve cells in the digestive tract so that the muscle will be damaged stomach and colon are not functioning normally.

Here are some indigestion you need to be aware of the following remedies.

Full & No Stomach Feels Comfortable After Eating

This case is usually caused by eating too fast or irregular, especially if you are eating large meals at night. Try to eat in small portions more often and leave time to eat in peace so that your digestive system work better.

Gastro esophageal Reflux (Heartburn)

Caused by stomach acid that have sprung up in the esophagus and cause pain. Usually occurs after a meal. Medications such as antacids work very effectively tackle this problem, but by sitting still quietly after eating and avoid bending or lying down can also help.

Lower the weight to shrink waistlines can help because it reduces the pressure on the stomach which makes heartburn worse. Some people have also reported benefits of eating spicy or fatty foods, tea, coffee, tobacco and excessive alcohol.


Can be overcome by eating foods high in fiber to help stimulate the movement of food into the stomach. Choose high-fiber foods such as whole grain breads, cereals, fruit and vegetables and nuts.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water to develop and soften fiber intake. Keep regular physical activity to improve muscle strength which helps in pushing food into contraction.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Can be read as diarrhea or constipation or sometimes simultaneously accompanied by pain and bloating. Experts still do not know what is really causing this pain or how to handle it or it could be what you eat can make a difference.

For example, the main cause is constipation, extra fiber can help, but if the cause of diarrhea then reduce cereal with high fiber, fruits, vegetables and spicy foods also helps. If feels bloated can avoid nuts, onion or cabbage.

If these methods do not reduce your indigestion, immediately consult a doctor to get a more precise treatment.
More aboutIf Ignored, 4 Digestive Disorders Can Be Fatal

Heart Healthy by Eating Watermelon

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The taste is sweet and contains a lot of water, not only to make a watermelon as a fruit favorite. Apparently, the fruit with bright red meat is very beneficial for health.

According to the study, eating watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Because, eating this fruit can help reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke risk.

Research in Florida has found that natural compounds in watermelon, which citrulline, which helps widen and relax blood vessels so the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood throughout the body.

According to research, more citrulline levels found in the skin and can be found in all colors of watermelon. However, the highest abortion contained in the type of yellow watermelon.

Another study from the University Kentucky also shows that good watermelon is consumed to maintain body weight and helps heart health.

Not only that, research in the UK also showed other benefits of watermelon. Using mice that had been given a high-cholesterol foods, researchers then gave watermelon juice every day. Mice seem healthier even number will be lower bad cholesterol in the blood.

Should eat watermelon in ample portions. Watermelon eating too much can make you urinate constantly, because watermelon is a diuretic. The high sugar content in watermelon should also be a concern.
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Do Not Waste Your Morning!

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Small habits have a big impact on your health in the future.

So, do not waste your morning.

Drinking water. At night, you certainly less than the drinking water in the morning or afternoon. As a result, the body is dehydrated which makes you become lethargic. So, immediately drink two glasses of water after waking up, instead of coffee or tea.

Sports. Morning exercise every day helps train the mind to be more focused. Exercise increases the growth of new cells in the brain and forge new connections between brain cells to help you learn or work. In addition, Sports releases endorphins associated with feelings of happiness.

Cold shower. Cold water bath will increase energy throughout the day. Do not forget to brush your teeth as well. Healthy teeth can prevent the occurrence of inflammatory diseases, such as narrowing of the arteries that causes cardiovascular disease.

Breakfast. In fact, most of the people intentionally skip breakfast. Or, eat in small portions at breakfast. "Without enough calories, blood sugar levels will fluctuate," said an author of The Flexitarian Diet. This is what makes you feel hungry and eat more in the afternoon or evening.
More aboutDo Not Waste Your Morning!

Want to Add Shine Hair? Avocado Cream Bath, Let's Go!

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Woman was very concerned about his hair with some care. One of them with a cream bath. Fruit is often a choice womenfolk to keep his crown.

Types of fruit are suitable to serve as one of the ingredients is avocado cream bath. What exactly is the function of an avocado for hair?

"The fruit is also good for nourishing damaged hair. Creambath with an avocado can make the hair shinier, stronger, healthier and easier to manage," said Owner beauty spot in one of the areas in south east asia.

She said, then opened the avocado skin dredged the meat and destroyed in a manner blended and mixed with milk.

"Then mixed lime juice and one tablespoon of honey, and stir until blended. And finally can be used for cream bath treatment," she said.
More aboutWant to Add Shine Hair? Avocado Cream Bath, Let's Go!

Want to Quit Smoking Success? Follow These Steps!

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Habit of smoking is very detrimental to health. In fact, active smokers already know and are aware that they are at risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema and heart attacks later in life due to smoking.

But, if you really want to quit smoking, try some of these steps and hopefully can help you to get rid of unhealthy habits.

Step 1: Select the day to start quitting smoking

Grab a calendar and select the perfect time to prepare yourself to get out of the habit of smoking. It could not hurt to start quit smoking on the day that you consider the stress level is not too high compared to other days, like the days on weekends. Mark your calendars and begin to commit to do so.

Cleaning up after a commit is obviously important. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes is the first step to the success of smoking cessation.

Step 2: Prediction situations trigger the desire to smoke

Try to predict the trigger situations that will appear on the first day when quitting smoking. There are times when certain situations a strong urge to smoke again. Later wrote in a special notebook that you have provided.

Then look at the first week of the decision to quit smoking. If you can pass the exam on the first seven days, would be a good sign to stop smoking forever. If you find another trigger in the first seven days you stop smoking, immediately wrote in the book. Therefore, trigger the desire to smoke again during the day on weekdays weekends are usually always different.

If you have difficulty to make a list of trigger the desire to smoke, then you need 'special observations' on a week before realizing intentions to quit smoking, so you can know when and why the desire to smoke.

Step 3: Strategic plan for situations trigger your

Now think of any trigger points. What are your main goals smoke? What is it to pass the time? Reduce stress? Makes you more mature? For example, let's say the trigger is stress in the workplace and cigarettes help calm you. Then look for a solution, What can be done to cope with stress other than smoking? You can try a short break from work, consume water, or trying to relax by doing light yoga. For each trigger, write down two or three strategies. Then committed to using the strategy when the situation occurs.

Step 4: Find support

Quitting smoking will be easier when the people closest to you to help to pass your intention was. Kind of support that can be given in the form of the action by making sure no cigarettes lying around the house. Or tell you that the family proud of you for all the work done.

Once you successfully quit smoking on the first day, try to feel the difference.
1. After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
2. After 8 hours, the oxygen levels in the blood return to normal.
3. After 24 hours, the lungs begin to clean the tar buildup.
4. And after 48 hours, the smell and taste of a good start to increase.
5. After 72 hours, breathe easier, bronchial tubes relax more and an increase in energy.
6. Two to 12 weeks, walking and running much easier. After three to nine months, the lungs have room for oxygen up to 10 percent more.
7. At one year, the risk of heart attack decreases by half. Even after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer was also reduced by 50 percent. And in 15 years, your risk of heart attack as those who are non-smokers.
More aboutWant to Quit Smoking Success? Follow These Steps!

Stop Smoking Prevent Early Menopause

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Women smokers may experience menopause earlier than those who do not have the habit of smoking. A study also mentions that early menopause may influence the risk of progression of bone and heart disease.

The research, published in the Menopause Journal, which is a collection of data from several previous studies, involving 6,000 women respondents in the United States, Poland, Turkey, and Iran.

Women who do not smoke on average reached menopause between the ages of 46-51 years. While women who smoke, menopaue happen faster between the ages of 43-50 years.

During menopause, the ovaries stop producing eggs. Therefore, menopausal women can no longer conceive. "Our study shows that smoking has a significant relationship with the occurrence of menopause. We recommend that women avoid this habit," said a researcher from the University of Hong Kong.

He and his friends analyze women aged 50 or 51 years who experienced menopause late or early. Of 43,000 respondents, 43% were smokers turns. This shows the number of women experiencing early menopause than non smokers.

According to an expert epidemiologist from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York, said there are two theories as to why smoking can cause early menopause. Smoking has an effect how women's bodies make or rule out the use of estrogen. Some researchers also believe that the components in tobacco smoke can kill the eggs.

Unfortunately, the researchers did not have information on how long the women had smoked and how many cigarettes smoked a day. So the research team could not determine how these factors influence the age of menopause.
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Pregnant? Here It Is 15 Symptoms You Contains (3)

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You feel symptoms of pregnancy. However, it has not had time to visit a gynecologist. Consider the following symptoms, when it is felt by all of you at this time, chances are you are indeed pregnant. The following symptoms:

Late menstruation
It is a symptom of pregnancy is most easily detected: late period. When you schedule regular menstruation regular and sudden late, just wary. It's possible you got pregnant.

Increased body temperature
If you intend to become pregnant, you can measure basal body temperature to determine ovulation. Normally, basal body temperature increases due to ovulate until you get your period two weeks later. If the body temperature continues to rise more than two weeks, it's because you're pregnant.

Nose so sensitive
Garbage smells make you very sick. When the nose is very sensitive so, again, there is a possibility you are pregnant.

Changes in emotions
Your emotions are easily changeable? If you are easily upset, perhaps your body is adjusting to the new hormones. Make sure your husband understands this, this phase will pass moody as well.

When patches that appear lighter than menstruation, take it easy. You may only bleed when the egg attaches to the uterine wall. This process is triggered minor bleeding.
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Pregnant? Here it is 15 Symptoms You Contains (2)

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You feel symptoms of pregnancy. However, it has not had time to visit a gynecologist. Consider the following symptoms, when it is felt by all of you at this time, chances are you are indeed pregnant. The following symptoms:

Early signs of pregnancy as well as headache is a result of hormonal changes. If you are really worried pregnant, be careful when taking painkillers. Look for medicines containing paracetamol and green robin.

If not ever experienced back pain, there is a possibility you are pregnant and having problems at the ligament. Please be advised this is also when you will experience during pregnancy. Along with her ​​growing pregnancy, your body's center of gravity will change.

This menstruation or pregnancy symptoms? Indeed indistinguishable. However, if true cramps in the lower abdomen, may be the content you are preparing to welcome a baby.

Increased or decreased appetite
Suddenly you always want to eat salad or fish makes you nauseous. When you begin to have problems with food, maybe your body is telling you that you are pregnant.

Constipation or abdominal bloating
Pants do not fit you started. If it starts to feel a little bigger body or have trouble defecating, maybe it's nothing to do with the addition of the hormone progesterone. This hormone is lower digestive system.
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Pregnant? Here It Is 15 Symptoms You Contains (1)

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You feel symptoms of pregnancy. However, it has not had time to visit a gynecologist. Consider the following symptoms, when it is felt by all of you at this time, chances are you are indeed pregnant. The following symptoms:

Easy panting
If you are easily out of breath when climbing stairs, but usually do not, there is a possibility you are pregnant. Fetus does require oxygen. As a result, you were often out of breath. Please be advised, this will happen throughout your pregnancy. Especially when the baby started to push the lungs and diaphragm.

Enlarged breasts
Signs of enlarged breasts, the areola is blackened, and looks a lot more blood vessels in the chest be an early sign of pregnancy. Wear the right bra to reduce discomfort.

Easily tired
If you feel very tired easily, this could be a sign of an increase in hormones in the body. For most women, fatigue can take place during the first trimester. However, there is also the experience until the second trimester.

The majority of pregnant women experience nausea in the morning. In fact, they had this to six weeks. Some are experienced not only in the morning, but the afternoon and evening. To reduce nausea, get used to eating snacks such as biscuits in small but frequent portions.

Frequent urination
If a sudden always feel the urge to urinate at night, get ready, this is another sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body produces a lot of fluid that would meet the bladder.
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