Heart Healthy by Eating Watermelon

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The taste is sweet and contains a lot of water, not only to make a watermelon as a fruit favorite. Apparently, the fruit with bright red meat is very beneficial for health.

According to the study, eating watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Because, eating this fruit can help reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke risk.

Research in Florida has found that natural compounds in watermelon, which citrulline, which helps widen and relax blood vessels so the heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood throughout the body.

According to research, more citrulline levels found in the skin and can be found in all colors of watermelon. However, the highest abortion contained in the type of yellow watermelon.

Another study from the University Kentucky also shows that good watermelon is consumed to maintain body weight and helps heart health.

Not only that, research in the UK also showed other benefits of watermelon. Using mice that had been given a high-cholesterol foods, researchers then gave watermelon juice every day. Mice seem healthier even number will be lower bad cholesterol in the blood.

Should eat watermelon in ample portions. Watermelon eating too much can make you urinate constantly, because watermelon is a diuretic. The high sugar content in watermelon should also be a concern.
