Want to Quit Smoking Success? Follow These Steps!

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Habit of smoking is very detrimental to health. In fact, active smokers already know and are aware that they are at risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema and heart attacks later in life due to smoking.

But, if you really want to quit smoking, try some of these steps and hopefully can help you to get rid of unhealthy habits.

Step 1: Select the day to start quitting smoking

Grab a calendar and select the perfect time to prepare yourself to get out of the habit of smoking. It could not hurt to start quit smoking on the day that you consider the stress level is not too high compared to other days, like the days on weekends. Mark your calendars and begin to commit to do so.

Cleaning up after a commit is obviously important. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes is the first step to the success of smoking cessation.

Step 2: Prediction situations trigger the desire to smoke

Try to predict the trigger situations that will appear on the first day when quitting smoking. There are times when certain situations a strong urge to smoke again. Later wrote in a special notebook that you have provided.

Then look at the first week of the decision to quit smoking. If you can pass the exam on the first seven days, would be a good sign to stop smoking forever. If you find another trigger in the first seven days you stop smoking, immediately wrote in the book. Therefore, trigger the desire to smoke again during the day on weekdays weekends are usually always different.

If you have difficulty to make a list of trigger the desire to smoke, then you need 'special observations' on a week before realizing intentions to quit smoking, so you can know when and why the desire to smoke.

Step 3: Strategic plan for situations trigger your

Now think of any trigger points. What are your main goals smoke? What is it to pass the time? Reduce stress? Makes you more mature? For example, let's say the trigger is stress in the workplace and cigarettes help calm you. Then look for a solution, What can be done to cope with stress other than smoking? You can try a short break from work, consume water, or trying to relax by doing light yoga. For each trigger, write down two or three strategies. Then committed to using the strategy when the situation occurs.

Step 4: Find support

Quitting smoking will be easier when the people closest to you to help to pass your intention was. Kind of support that can be given in the form of the action by making sure no cigarettes lying around the house. Or tell you that the family proud of you for all the work done.

Once you successfully quit smoking on the first day, try to feel the difference.
1. After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
2. After 8 hours, the oxygen levels in the blood return to normal.
3. After 24 hours, the lungs begin to clean the tar buildup.
4. And after 48 hours, the smell and taste of a good start to increase.
5. After 72 hours, breathe easier, bronchial tubes relax more and an increase in energy.
6. Two to 12 weeks, walking and running much easier. After three to nine months, the lungs have room for oxygen up to 10 percent more.
7. At one year, the risk of heart attack decreases by half. Even after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer was also reduced by 50 percent. And in 15 years, your risk of heart attack as those who are non-smokers.
