Pomegranate Juice, Youthful Drug

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If you want to reduce stress and prevent aging, it seems you have to eat a pomegranate juice (pomegranate) regularly. According to the scientists, the nutrients contained in pomegranates can reduce anxiety and prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease. Pomegranates can also prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Regular consumption of pomegranate fruit every day will slow the aging process of cells DNA. And that is why people can keep the body in order to stay young. This conclusion is obtained after the research to 60 volunteers. They were fed pomegranate extract in the form of capsules for one month.

At the same time, other scientists also monitor the activity of the chemical content in the body and compare it with the activity of a group that did not consume pomegranate extract. The researchers found a significant reduction in the concentration of marker 8-Oxo-DG, linked with cell damage that causes disruption in brain activity, muscle, liver, and kidneys. Organ disruption in skin wrinkles.

Scientists believe that it is going through the process of oxidation of the cell DNA. Furthermore, the pomegranate is rich in vitamins A, C, E, iron, and antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals.
