Want to Add Shine Hair? Avocado Cream Bath, Let's Go!

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Woman was very concerned about his hair with some care. One of them with a cream bath. Fruit is often a choice womenfolk to keep his crown.

Types of fruit are suitable to serve as one of the ingredients is avocado cream bath. What exactly is the function of an avocado for hair?

"The fruit is also good for nourishing damaged hair. Creambath with an avocado can make the hair shinier, stronger, healthier and easier to manage," said Owner beauty spot in one of the areas in south east asia.

She said, then opened the avocado skin dredged the meat and destroyed in a manner blended and mixed with milk.

"Then mixed lime juice and one tablespoon of honey, and stir until blended. And finally can be used for cream bath treatment," she said.
