Showing posts with label Healthy Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Soul. Show all posts

Avoid these foods When migraine attacks

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Some people may have migraine. Attacks of migraine headaches that felt more excruciating and sometimes come unexpectedly. Migraine sufferers will feel the pain and throbbing like a beaten and pulled and is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting.

Sufferers also tend to be more sensitive to light, sounds and smells. It was certainly very annoying and can hamper the activities of the patient.

What exactly is a migraine? A nutritionist explains that migraine headache is a form of headache caused by vascular disorders. This pain is due to a combination of vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) and the release of a chemical substance of fibers - nerve fibers surrounding the blood vessels. When a migraine attack, the temporal artery (the artery that runs around the temple) will be widened.

"This will lead to widening the stretch in the arteries around the nerve fibers nerve fibers that stimulate the release of chemicals. These substances will cause inflammation, and tremendous pain," he explained.

He suggested for those with migraines, need to pay attention to nutritional intake into the body. Some of the following foods should be avoided:

1. Avoid foods that contain tyramine. Substance tyramine in foods that seem to have potential "vasodilators". The potential can cause blood vessels to dilate., Thereby increasing blood flow through blood vessels in the head which would cause such pain hit hard objects. Tyramine food sources, especially in animal protein sources like old cheese, chicken liver, beef liver also on bananas, eggplant, sour cream, meat tenderizer, chocolate, yeast and soy sauce.

2. Avoid beverages containing alcohol, especially sherry, beer, reusling, and wine.

3. Avoid foods that contain MSG. MSG-sensitive people will experience the "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" where there will be a feeling of the neck and the shoulders and chest distress and headaches.

4. It should also be noted for each individual to always remember that food can be a migraine trigger for each individual may vary. Some foods can cause headaches usually as eggs, legumes, peanuts, garlic, wheat, milk, cinnamon, pork, corn, coffee, tea, and cola drinks contain.
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Be Careful ! Active smokers Easier Cause Deaths

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Active smokers are very susceptible to cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability around the world is also the most popular killer after a traffic accident.

"The fact of the WHO said that there was one death from cardiovascular disease every two seconds, every five seconds a heart attack and a stroke every six seconds," said the Professor of the University in one of the Southeast Asian country.
He said, every year an estimated 17 million people in various countries die from cardiovascular disease. The occurrence of deep vein thrombosis (aterosklorosis) is not only triggered by the consumption of high fat foods, but also triggered by smoking.

When people smoke, the more oxidant substances regardless of the response due to the entry of toxins from cigarettes smoked. Oxidant substance that makes the blood vessel wall is damaged and make low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL).

LDL more easily "caught" in the area of ​​the damage caused by the oxidant substances. "Then the cholesterol that is" stuck "is growing and cause blockages so that the blood vessels become hardened and there aterosklorosis," said the Professor, who studied the Toxicological Sciences.

According to him, atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arterial walls of fat meadow etymologically derived from the Greek word meaning ather porridge. Understanding the form of porridge here bleary-eyed fat deposits that resemble soft like porridge.

In addition, the Greek scleros significant other hard, so quite literally, a substance that was originally buried in the soft and mushy and the amount accumulated in an arena which led to the formation of lesions over time will enlarge and thicken thus narrowing the arteries and block blood flow.

Resulting in the hardening and clogging of blood flow in blood vessels. "The blood vessels which become a means of transport corridors flowing substance metabolic process would be very dangerous if blocked," he concluded.
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Pregnant Old Age Risk Children With Autism

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Pregnant when parents no longer young age not only endanger the safety of mothers and babies in the womb. Recent research has found age parents also affect the health of the baby.

The study found children were more likely to have an increased risk of autism if the mother and father were aged 35 years or older at the time of conception.

According to researchers from Denmark who worked with researchers from Cambridge University shows that risk is 27 percent higher than younger couples. If both parents are in their 30s, the risk did not increase even though one of the older parent.

However, if one parent aged 35-40 years, the risk of autism was more pronounced in women older age (65 percent) than fathers (44 percent).

Researchers analyzed 1.3 million children born in Denmark between the years 1980-2003. Of these, approximately 9,556 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders by a psychiatrist after referral for treatment. Including Asperger's syndrome and other disorders.

Professor of a university in Denmark reveals mutation in sperm may increase the risk of autism and a new mutation in the egg increases the risk of autism.

"When a mutation occurs in both, pairing high risk of having a child with autism than couples who only have one particular mutation," he said.

Although this research shows parental age plays a role, but further explanation is needed. "This study shows that there is a relationship between parental age with autism in children, but more research is needed. We know little chain of biological cause of autism," he added.
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Strange Things That Happen In Women Due To Menstrual Cycle

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Every woman must have had a menstrual period, which indicates that women have eggs that mature and ready to be fertilized. This condition is often called the fertile period or ovulation.

Usually when you're in a menstrual period or on the fertile period, women showed a change either physically or emotionally. Here are some strange things that happen to women because they are influenced by their menstrual cycle :

1. Menstruation make women think more like a man

During the time of the menstrual period, estrogen levels decrease and the hormone testosterone increased. This indicates that the behavior, sound and behavior of women would be more 'manly' than the day-to-day outside the menstrual period.

2. Stress affects menstrual irregularities

Women's brains respond to stressful events by releasing stress hormones that can interfere in regulating the menstrual cycle. As a result, irregular periods or cycles become shorter or longer.

3. Menstruation increases libido

Many women find that their libido is higher in the menstrual period. This is due to low progesterone levels during the menstrual period which resulted in increased sex drive.

4. Make women fertile furious with another woman

Women who are in the fertile period is usually being "not very friendly" with another woman. At the time of ovulation (around day 12 to day 21 menstrual cycle), the feeling of wanting to compete with other women is getting higher. At the time of ovulation, women often give bad comment when asked about the other woman.
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Menstruation Only Three Days, Normal Or Not?

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I usually only come in 3 days. A maximum of 4 days. Really fast, right? My friends told me, it is a symptom or sign of infertility. Is it true or not? Is it normal that my period only 3-4 days?


It is an opinion that is not true. You do not need to worry, the process of menstruation for 3-4 days is a very normal thing. Long duration of menstruation is varied between one woman and another. Classified as normal when menstruation lasts for 3 to 7 days. Normal bleeding that occurs during menstruation is less than 80 mL. If it lasts less than 3 days or more than 7 days, then a new classified into menstrual disorders.

The menstrual cycle is influenced by the hormone balance that occurs in the body. Regular exercise, a nutritious and balanced diet will help to maintain the balance of these hormones. Sometimes, the burden of psychological stress can also lead to menstrual disorders. Excessive physical activity can also cause menstrual disorders, it is often found in female athletes.

A woman's fertility is also not solely be seen from the menstrual cycle, but also the views of the structure of the organ contents. Doctors usually suspect a fertility problems (infertility) on married couples when it routinely holds regular sexual intercourse for 1 year, but have not got descent. In such cases, a doctor will examine the state of the fallopian HSG examination (Histosalfingography) and the state of the ovaries and uterus by ultrasound. For the male partner, usually required examination sperm analysis.
More aboutMenstruation Only Three Days, Normal Or Not?

Burn Fat by Eating This !

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Frustrated with your weight? Do not worry! If not successful exercise and diet to lose weight, try to consume some foods that are believed to help burn calories.

Shrink your waistline by eating these foods, let's go:


Add almonds to your daily diet. Structure of the fibers contained in it reduces the absorption of fat, so fewer calories are absorbed by your body. In addition, levels of protein and monounsaturated fatty acid that is also makes you feel full longer so avoid the desire to snack.

Tip: To improve the taste of the beans, roasted in the oven with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for five to ten miFat Burning Foods, nutes.


Consumption of eggs at breakfast. Those who ate eggs in the morning will feel more full throughout the day. This is due to a combination of protein and good fats contained in it. In addition, eggs also contain fewer calories.

Tip: To prevent egg shells so as not to break when boiled, add two teaspoons of vinegar into the water. Besides keeping eggshells, vinegar also makes the process of peeling the eggs easier.


Someone once said that there should of cinnamon on the table with salt and pepper. So, if anyone asks what would make a more delicious meal we would easily explain.

Cinnamon not only make food more fragrant but also efficacious for weight loss. Half teaspoon of cinnamon in the diet will reduce weight as much as one pound per month. In addition, cinnamon is also controlling the hormone insulin used to ride after eating - which makes you feel hungry - and raise metabolism to burn calories.

Tip: For a healthy snack, an apple cut into squares and sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in the oven until browned.


Consuming low-fat yogurt helps your body to burn more fat. Levels of calcium and protein contained in it prioritizes weight loss as one of strict diet and maintain muscle mass.

Tip: Replace with yogurt whipped cream on your dessert or use plain yogurt instead of mayonnaise on sandwiches.


Add lentils and beans to soups to help satiate your stomach. Beans and lentils are rich in leucine, which helps to lose weight without having to diet in particular.

Tip: Soak the lentils overnight, and then cook and store in refrigerator. When lentils stored in an airtight container and submerged by water, they will last up to three months.


Those who ate soup before eating the main meal will mengasup less than those who do not eat soup. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University states that eating soup at the beginning of the food will make you feel full sooner, thereby reducing calorie intake by five percent.

Tip: the best trick is to add one or two potatoes when cooking soup and hush up to 15 minutes. It helps absorb levels of salt in the soup.


To provide a more bold flavor to salads and sandwiches, replace dressing with sauce: a teaspoon of chili contains 10 calories but full of fiber which helps you feel full all the time. Capsaisin the content contained in the chili also will encourage your metabolic levels as much as three hours to raise the temperature of the body.

Tip: Condiment is very easy to make your own. Cut the red onion, red pepper, 2 tomatoes, and cayenne pepper, then mix with a little vinegar and cilantro.

Herbal plants

Herbs add fragrance to any food without having to increase the number of calories. Research suggests that the herbal plants stimulate the senses of smell and taste that helps you to feel full more quickly and reduce the amount of diasup.

Tip: Use more rosemary or sage when cooking meat. Both to prevent inflammation Rosemary and sage are also good for digestion.
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Blood Type and Heart Disease, There Is a Connection?

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Did you know that blood type has linkages with heart disease? According to recent research, people with blood type AB have a higher risk of heart disease compared to blood group O.
This study reviewed the two Harvard study that followed nearly 90,000 people for more than 20 years. In conclusion, the risk of coronary heart disease vary depending on blood type.

People with type O blood have the lowest risk, while blood type AB have 23 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease. Moreover, the blood group B by 11 percent, while the blood group A only 5 percent.

"Because people are not likely to change their blood group, our findings may help doctors to better understand who is at risk for heart disease," says researcher, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvrad School of Public Health, Boston.

Relationship with blood group was conducted after researcher see other variables that can lead to heart disease such as cholesterol, diabetes disease, and hypertension.

The results were surprising, said a cardiologist and spokesperson for the American Heart Association. While other small studies have suggested that there is a correlation. This study is the first large-scale study that supports the correlation.

Researchers found a correlation between blood group with risk of heart disease, not causality. Other researchers said the mechanisms that could explain the relationship, such as a blood relationship with certain types of cholesterol, and the relationship between blood group AB with high inflammation.

This relationship was found in a small study, so further research is needed to explain the correlation.

According to he, although further research is still needed, blood type can be included in the list for consideration when assessing the patient's doctor about the risks of heart disease, because the test could reveal it's not expensive, and without effect.

To reduce the risk of heart disease, one must exercise, eat right and manage your weight and cholesterol control diligent.

"Knowing that your blood type can increase the risk of heart disease may also increase the motivation of the people to keep themselves and stop bad habits," he added.
According to the American Red Cross, blood type O is the most common, followed by A, B and AB. About 45 percent white, 51 percent black, 57 percent Hispanic and 40 percent of Asians have blood type O.
Type A: 40 percent white, 26 percent black, 31 percent Hispanic and 28 percent Asian.
Type B: 11 percent white, 19 percent black, 10 percent Hispanic and 25 percent Asian.
Type AB: 4 percent of whites and blacks, 2 percent of Hispanics and 7 percent from Asia.
More aboutBlood Type and Heart Disease, There Is a Connection?

Fat? opponents with this fruit

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Huff, tired of losing weight? In fact, being overweight can lead to many health problems. Well, try eating peaches, plums and nectarines are believed to fight obesity.

Third is the fruit fresh fruits are good to eat. Recent research has found that a third of bioactive compounds in fruits that can fight obesity-related diabetes and heart disease.

According to a food scientist, the three compounds in the fruit that could be a weapon in the fight against obesity and the metabolic syndrome in which inflammation trigger serious health problems.

"Our research shows that the hard stone fruit, such as peaches, plums and nectarines have potentially bioactive compounds against this syndrome," he explained.

He explained that the phenolic compounds (antioxidants which are found mainly in plants) contained in this fruit works as an anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic in the ranks of different cells and also reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol associated with cardiovascular disease.

"Our research shows that the four major groups of fenolin-anthocyanins, clorogenic acid, quercetin and catechin derivatives - working on different cells, such as fat cells, macrophages and endothelial cells of blood vessels," he said.
More aboutFat? opponents with this fruit

These Gadgets Help Relieve Migraine

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Advances in technology also used in the medical field. A new gadget deliberately created to help treat migraines, which claimed to have the same effectiveness with drugs.

Gadget that uses batteries, and shaped like an electric shaver is capable of generating an electrical signal that can be used on the side of the neck, above the carotid artery pulse.

But earlier, first apply a conductive gel on the gadget in order to increase its effectiveness.

To relieve painful headache attacks, this gadget is able to run for about 90 seconds. This tool is able to increase levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and noradrenaline are able to relieve pain.

If you are interested, then you must be patient because this new gadget is marketed in Europe.
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Diabetes Can Be Cured?

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Impaired function of the pancreas is permanent and irreversible.

Many people who thought that the blood sugar stable and normal in the long term mean diabetes is cured.

"This situation is like a 'time bomb' that could explode at any time. Feeling healthy, many people ultimately abandon habits relating to matters of control of blood sugar, such as meal planning, regular exercise, and taking medication when necessary," said the doctor, specialists in internal medicine from the hospital in one of the southeast Asian country.

"If it's left will most likely show up again, even worse than before."

Good management can make your blood sugar under control. Blood sugar is maintained within normal limits made ​​diabetic with healthy people, as well as keep the risk of complications of diabetes.
More aboutDiabetes Can Be Cured?

How Did He Know The Woman Is Menstruating?

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"Not just experience mood swings when she had guests monthly, but also changes the sound".

Recent research suggests men can identify women who are menstruating through their voice, because the voice sounded less attractive woman turned out.

The findings, published in the journal Ethology, psychologists asked three groups of men to listen to voice recordings of ten women at four different points over their menstrual cycle.

Then, the tape played in random order, and the men were asked to guess which ones are the female voice coming months.

This test found 35 percent of men able to guess correctly, and is described as a significant result.

The research results reinforce previous research in 2008 which mentions a woman's voice better heard when the fertile period.

According to the men who took part in this research, the voice of women who are menstruating can be known through the four indicators, namely mood (good-bad), quality (harsh-smooth), pitch (low-high), and speed (slow-fast).
Some of them say that a menstruating woman who has a recording voice lower in tone, quality, and mood.

"The man seems to have determined by selecting the menstrual voice sounds the most interesting. Role of the hormones also make women's voices down, and induce the vocal changes. Vocal production closely with our biology. Example, cells from the larynx and vagina are very similar and show similar hormone receptors, "he said.
More aboutHow Did He Know The Woman Is Menstruating?

Dangers of processed meats: Increase Risk of Heart Disease by 72 Percent!

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Not a secret if you eat meat have a variety of health benefits for the body. Even some medical studies claim if beef has the same nutritional content of white meat or fish.

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that the fat-free meat contributes important in a heart-healthy diet as well as the benefits that can be obtained from the white meat.

However, you need to be careful when buying meat for consumption, particularly processed meat.

The results mentioned, excessive consumption of processed meat can shorten life.

Studies involving approximately half a million men and women aged 35 to 70 years in 10 countries on the European continent lasted for 1 year.

The participants were asked to fill out questionnaires about diet consumed over a span of 1 year. Provide researchers with a specific classification questions concerning the consumption of meat. Whether it's red meat, white, and processed.

The meats include beef, goat, sheep, horses to pigs. While white meat including chicken, turkey, rabbit, until duck.

Researchers believe that the high consumption of processed meat is said if it exceeds 160 grams per day. The survey found more than 5000 participants died from heart disease and artery disorders, more than 9000 of cancer, and more than 1000 people have respiratory problems.

One of the researchers from the University of Zurich stated, "Overall, we estimate that 3 percent of premature deaths each year could be prevented if people ate less than 20 grams per day of processed meat."

Conclusion Research

From these results the researchers concluded that the excessive consumption of processed meat can increase the risk of death from heart disease by 72 percent and from cancer by 11 percent.

How to Distinguish Processed Meat & Non-processed

Distinguishing non-processed meat and processed is 'tricky'. But not the means can not be distinguished at all. Non-processed meat can be regarded as fresh meat, which means it does not matter or other substances mixed because its main ingredient is the meat itself.

Well, because the non-processed meats do not use a food preservative, the shorter the shelf-life of processed meats.

While the meat is processed and preserved meat has other ingredients mixed uses, including food preservatives, so the relatively longer shelf-life. Processed meats have also been through a variety of other processes, such as salting, curing, and the addition of some chemicals.

From now on you should reduce the consumption of processed meats and switch to non-processed fresh meat in order to maintain your health.
More aboutDangers of processed meats: Increase Risk of Heart Disease by 72 Percent!

Sunbathing Increase Fertility of Women and Men

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Many ways in which to have children. Including conducting honeymoon after getting married. If you are planning so, try to select the beach. What? why so?

Research conducted by scientists from the University of Graz in Australia, shows basking in the sun helps boost sex hormones and ova for women and testosterone in men.

The results were published in the European Journal of Endocrinology is based on an analysis of 2,300 respondents.

Researchers find vitamin D and testosterone levels increased in August and fell in March after the winter.

Vitamin D which are contained in the sunlight regarded researchers who contributed significantly to the growth of male sperm healthier and move more quickly. In addition, well-known vitamin for bone spur is also testosterone levels to increase libido for men.

As for women, vitamin D helps increase levels of sex hormones, namely progesterone and estrogen by 13 percent 21 percent. Vitamin D also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and make the concept more likely to be the level of fertility.

Although sunlight is considered good, a researcher insists that the couple not too long sunbathing, because prolonged exposure to sunlight triggers the risk of skin cancer.

"Those who want to get pregnant, you should spend time outdoors in order to benefit from the sun or taking supplements of vitamin D, which is a safe and inexpensive way to increase fertility rates," the researchers added.
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Is It True That Chocolate Benefits Defeat The Fruit?

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Chocolate is often used to 'cure' relieve stress and improve mood. Not only tastes delicious, but the chocolate also has many health benefits.

Researchers at the Center for Health and Nutrition stated that chocolate is worth mentioning as a "super fruit". Of research in the laboratory, found chocolate has lots of antioxidants.

Levels of polyphenols and flavonoids in cocoa powder per gram more than the fruits used to make juice.

Reported the findings of experts published in Chemical Journal, showed that dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain flavonoids and polyphenols were higher than fruit juice.

Antioxidants are also found in fruits such as grapes, strawberries, and pomegranates, several types of juice, dark chocolate, green tea, and red wine. Antioxidants are compounds that will fight free radicals that can damage cells. When the body is deficient in antioxidants, of course, can cause health problems.

However, other experts argue that it is not true when the so-called "super fruit", it could be just a marketing strategy chocolate makers. Because, there is no one type of food that contains all the essential nutrients.
More aboutIs It True That Chocolate Benefits Defeat The Fruit?

Danger! Cigarette Smoke Also Disturbed Hearing

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Bad effects of cigarette smoke on health is undeniable, both in those who smoke cigarettes or are exposed to second-hand smoke cigarette smoke or combustion is also known as second hand smoke. Recent research shows that teens who are exposed to secondhand smoke have almost double the risk of hearing loss.

Researchers from New York University School of Medicine analyzed more than 1,500 young people aged 12-19 years who participated in the research in nutritional nationwide in 2005-2006.

Participants underwent blood tests to measure levels of a chemical called continine, a fractional form of nicotine. The teens also examined the function of hearing.

The results showed that adolescents who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have hearing loss associated with cochlear problem. The cochlea is the auditory organ that functions to send messages to the auditory nerve and the brain.

"This is the type of hearing loss that usually occurs due to aging or those children who are born with congenital deafness," said a researcher.

Other researchers, assessing the facts of the cigarette smoke that can cause hearing loss among adolescents has implications for public health.

While a doctor from the UK charity Action on Hearing Loss, expressed the need for more research on hearing loss to prove a causal relationship between secondhand smoke and hearing loss.

"But, as a precaution and protection of your child's hearing, it is recommended to avoid cigarette smoke around them," he said.
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8 Causes of Belly Fat

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Even the owner of a slim body can only have belly fat, either because the wrong habits, or eating the wrong foods. What is it like?

Chewing gum
The air you breathe while chewing gum can cause bloating. In order to stay slim stomach, make sure you do not chew gum all day.

Sugar and alcohol, particularly those contained in beer, can make your muscles loose. Of view of nutrition, alcohol is very harmful to the body. This is because alcohol is high in calories, the same as the number of calories in fatty foods. Apart from that, when you drink alcohol, your liver will be working very hard to remove alcohol, and sugar to filter delay. The sugar will then be stored as body fat. In addition, alcohol can also increase appetite.

Tobacco can damage the bowels. If you smoke after eating, you will feel bloated afterwards. Stop smoking, and you will get more benefits than just weight loss.

Stress can affect the body and digestion. Stress can also make you feel full and cause problems in the body's ability to store fat. The result will look more your stomach expands. To overcome this, learn to be more relaxed and breathe slowly and deeply.

Fast Food
The amount of calories and fat in fast food is very high. The main issues that will be posed by the fast food is that the food is not very filling, so you will often feel hungry. You should limit your intake of fast food you eat and apply it once a month.

Men have hormones that affect their weight. That is why men tend to have a potbelly at a certain age. At the moment he begins to store fat in their bellies on the 40s, women would keep their fat in the thighs, buttocks, and hips they are at an earlier age.

Although milk is important for health, balance diet with high amounts of calcium can cause digestive problems and make the belly bulge. If you like milk, yogurt or advisable to consume and cheese made from goat's milk.

Perhaps you are used to using drugs laxative (laxative) when you have constipation. You should not use it too often. Excessive use of laxatives can also cause digestive problems. You should consult your doctor before using a laxative medicine.
More about8 Causes of Belly Fat

Dad Smokers Should Be Careful When Carrying Children

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An Advisory Board of the Association of Physicians from one Southeast Asian country, reminded the fathers smokers to be careful when holding her child. Moreover, children as young as toddlers. Inadvertently, the father could transmit the disease in children.

He said there are now three types of existing smokers. "First hand smoker, second hand smoker and third hand smoker," he said.

About active and passive smokers, according to him, it was 'libraries' long. First hand smoker is a smoker first. This guy smoked so insert your own poison into his body.

Second hand smoker is a person who inhale cigarette smoke. Which may rarely recognized that third hand smoker. They are people who do not smoke, do not inhale smoke, but direct contact with smokers. For him, these three types of smokers have the same dangerous consequences.

He cited a father who used to smoke in the office, while cradling her home directly without first changing clothes or washing your face. Without realizing it, the father has made him a third-hand smoker.

"My father smoked in the office, go home without ablution, kiss the boy. His intentions want the baby, but instead he accidentally gave poison to children, "he said.

He explained that the remnants of nicotine could still be attached to the face or clothes dad. It will evaporate and toxins inhaled through the air. "Yeah like people who smoke cigarettes smell it breathing well," he said.

If by chance the child has congenital diseases of asthma, the air is dirty, it will be difficult to cure asthma. "So if the child asthma and did not go away, just check out who brought the poison into the house," he said with a smile.
More aboutDad Smokers Should Be Careful When Carrying Children

Overcome Painful Menstruation with These Foods

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Normally, she'll have a visitor once a month commonly called menstruation or menses. Not infrequently menstruation is often accompanied by excruciating pain and disturbing.

Most women reduce the pain by taking drugs or herbs. Do not worry, there are natural ways to relieve menstrual pain.

Complex carbohydrates

Before and during menstruation, appears overwhelming desire to eat sugar and simple carbohydrates. You should be observant to the type of carbohydrates consumed.

"The best thing is to eat complex carbohydrates to keep energy in order to remain stable. There are some foods that can be selected, such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes or whole wheat pasta and brown rice can be relied upon," said a nutritionist.

These foods not only contain fiber, but also a source of magnesium, which is needed by the body during her menstrual cycle.

Beans or Grain

Choose nuts as a snack in times of menstruation. These foods contain vitamin B6 which is beneficial to reduce symptoms of PMS. Beans are not only good for the digestive system, but also help stabilize the emotions, because whole grains are rich in complex carbohydrates that increase serotonin, a chemical that creates a feeling of pleasure and relaxation.

Milk or yogurt

Both are sources of calcium. Research has shown that women who consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day menstrual pain decreased by 30 percent. "If there's one nutrient that women need to beat menstrual pain is calcium," said a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association.
More aboutOvercome Painful Menstruation with These Foods

What Happens in the Body When Quitting Smoking?

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You include heavy smoker and intend to stop? Apparently, your body crave it too soon. Under no circumstances quit smoking, your body will respond positively quickly.

A former hospital director in one of the countries in Southeast Asia, revealing the things that happen in our body so free of the toxins in cigarettes. She describes in 20 minutes without a cigarette, significant changes occurred in vital organs of human tissue. "Blood pressure, heart rate, and peripheral blood flow improves."

So, what are the benefits in a longer time? If it can last up to 12 hours of not smoking, the carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal. "The system improves blood flow and cardiac function can be improved," she said, is a frequent conference speaker.

Well, to be more confident with the motivation to quit smoking, try to check with nicotine dependence test below:

1. How many cigarettes you've smoked each day?
A. 10 or less
B. 10-20
C. 21-30
D. 31 or more
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

2. How long after waking you smoke?
A. Within 5 minutes
B. 6-30 minutes
C. 31-60 minutes
D. After 60 minutes
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0

3. Do you struggle to refrain from smoking in prohibited places?
A. Yes
B. Not
A. 1
B. 0

4. Do you smoke more frequently in the first hours after waking than at other times?
A. Yes
B. Not
A. 1
B. 0

5. At the time when the desire to smoke is difficult arrested and removed?
A. First bar in the morning
B. Another time
A. 1
B. 0

6. Are you still smoking when you are seriously ill who need bedrest?
A. Yes
B. Not
A. 1
B. 0

Score           Addiction
0-3 points    Lightweight
4-6 points,   Medium
7-10 points  High

Lightweight : Level lower your dependence on nicotine. Instead, try to quit now before your
                      dependence is increasing.

Medium : You have a high level of dependence on nicotine. Stop now to be free from dependence.

High : You can not control the smoking habit. Instead, set your rokoklah. When deciding to quit
              smoking, you should consult your doctor. You will receive nicotine replacement therapy or
              other therapies that can help you break away from the dependence on nicotine.
More aboutWhat Happens in the Body When Quitting Smoking?

In order Menstruation Not Disturb Sports Schedule

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When they are menstruating, we often become lazy to exercise. A variety of reasons, from the discomfort of having to wear pads, uncomfortable due to the moist vaginal area, or because of stomach cramps that occur. When abdominal pain and bloating, very difficult to motivate yourself to go to the gym.

So that menstruation does not deter you to exercise, you should figure out the right time to do so. A holistic expert, personal trainer, and founder of the Metabolic Effect, saying that you need to know the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation is divided into three phases, namely the follicular phase, ovulatior phase, and the luteal phase. Follicular phase occurs when the levels of FSH (folicle stimulating hormone) slightly increased, thus stimulating the growth of ovarian follicles (egg sacs walls). Ovulatior phase occurs when the levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) increases and mature follicles will stand out to the surface of the egg wall to release an egg (ovulation). While the luteal phase is the release of an egg from the ovaries for 14 days, and ovarian follicle will close and form kopus luteum which produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone.

"Follicular phase is associated with higher levels of estrogen, compared to progesterone, luteal phase while the opposite," he said.

Then how should we use this menstrual cycle to maximize our practice?

He said, estrogens increase the amount of fat burned during exercise, but make burning sugar so less efficiently. While progesterone opposite to that of estrogen. Because exercise with relatively lower intensity burns more fat, and higher intensity triggered more by burning sugar, women can change their exercise habits according to these fluctuations.

So the first half of your menstrual cycle, choose a slow but steady exercise, such as walking, cycling, or jogging. For the second half of the menstrual cycle, just do sprints or interval training workout. The definition of interval training is a short workout with high intensity, which is followed by a longer period to recuperate. For example, you sprint for 20 seconds, then you run for 60 seconds. Sprint and interval training workout can increase your metabolism for hours, or even days after your exercise.

If you like to do strength training, weight training is also very useful to use. "Even so should you focus on traditional weight training during the follicular phase, and a lot more weight training that affect metabolism, which is performed in the luteal phase and during menses," he said.

In addition to physical exercise, do not forget to keep watching what we eat.

"Research shows that women who eat a lot of carbohydrates will likely eliminate the benefits of the menstrual cycle. So, all the above exercises will be more beneficial for women who consumed fewer carbohydrates, "he said.
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