Treat Infected Nipples from Breastfeeding

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Exclusive breastfeeding to the baby is a gift. Every mother who was blessed with milk and can distribute it to their children, certainly not going to waste this opportunity. Unfortunately, breastfeeding is often hindered by a variety of disorders that children receive breast milk intake is not channeled perfectly.

Infection / inflammation of the breast or known as mastitis is one such example. This problem often appears in women who are breastfeeding. In fact, one in twenty women breastfeed at risk of mastitis, this disorder is more than one time. Not only lactating women, these disorders can also be present in women who are not breastfeeding activity.

In women not breastfeeding, mastitis usually present due to piercing (piercing) in the breast area, but mastitis in lactating women is present due to the accumulation of milk production. The buildup caused by incorrect feeding position, so the milk is not properly distributed.

Based on the cause, mastitis is divided into two types, namely:

1. Mastitis infections
Mastitis is caused by the entry of germs into the ducts in the nipple. Germs can be derived from the mouth or nose while breastfeeding baby

2. Non-infectious mastitis
Mastitis is caused by blockage of the ducts and the fault position while breastfeeding
Feeding position is vital to prevent delays in the distribution of milk to the baby. The hormone oxytocin is produced milk will usually stimulated when the baby sucking milk, so that when the baby is in feeding position, the baby's mouth cavity will hamper the delivery of milk.

Connective tissue between the tongue to the floor of the mouth (lingual frenulum) is too thick or baby short or known as ankyloglossia, can also lead to difficulty moving the tongue. That's why it would be difficult to breastfeed the baby due to the inability to support his tongue sucking movements. Unfortunately, events like this that causes blisters on the nipple lactating women.

The doctor explained, mastitis can occur with symptoms such as blushing breasts, breast pain, heat and swelling, and fever. In severe circumstances, the body temperature of women affected by mastitis can be increased by more than 38 degrees Celsius. Mastitis can occur at any time during the period of breastfeeding, but most often occurs between day 10 and day 28 post-partum. Not only that, mastitis is more common in young mothers breastfeed for the first time.

Mastitis is usually treated with antibiotics taken, as well as surgery. Agat antibiotics aimed breast inflammation can recover more quickly and can decline with body heat faster anyway. While treatment with surgery is done if there is accumulation of pus (abscess) due to the lack of role in the immune system fight bacteria staphylococcus auereus. Abscesses must be removed and can only be done by surgery.

A common mistake done by people with mastitis is to stop breastfeeding, but it actually can worsen inflammation. Production will accumulate in the breast milk and cause infection and inflammation worse.

"A mother is exposed to mastitis can still provide milk for her baby, because mastitis does not adversely affect the baby" said the doctor.

Do a clean and healthy lifestyle to avoid the occurrence of mastitis. Adequate rest, good diet and keep healthy body condition during lactation to boost the body's immune system. When the body is healthy and stayed in shape, the body will be susceptible to infections, including mastitis.
