Mouth Oblique, Doesn't Always Mean Having a Stroke

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If half of the face is paralyzed suddenly and mouth no longer symmetric (oblique), do not have to worry about suffering a stroke. It may be that you are suffering from Bell's Palsy.

It was experienced by Diana (44), an employee who used to work in the television studio and go home at night with a motorbike. Begins with pain in the ear, suddenly half of his face is paralyzed. Mouth oblique, left eye can not blink, nor can not be lifted eyebrows.

Only in brief and simple examination, doctors diagnosed him as suffering from Bell's Palsy. Exposure to air-conditioning (AC) is too cold in the television studio and the night wind while riding a motorcycle is suspected as the culprit of this disease. To cure must undergo treatment and physiotherapy.

What exactly is Bell's Palsy?

"It was a disease that attacks the nerve paralysis in the facial nerve. In the face no olfactory nerves, vision, eyes, facial skin, facial muscles, auditory nerve, and other nerves in the thousands. Well, this disease usually disrupt nerve facial muscles, "said Doctor Neurologist from one of the hospitals in the Southeast Asian country.

The cause is a virus that can attack only partially. So it can not attack more than one part of the nerve. "This disease is not classified as dangerous, and does not turn off," he said.

Indeed, continued the doctor, paralysis on one side of the face but it is temporary. This occurs due to swelling of the affected part of the virus.

"Sufferers will feel uncomfortable. The danger, if left untreated, will leave permanent marks. But about 95% of patients infected with the virus can recover completely, "said the doctor.

As many as 5% of patients is usually too late to treat, to leave a mark like redness (bruise) on the face.

About the type of virus that attacks, he said, could be due to herpes virus but can also be caused by dirty air. "This disease is exactly the same with the herpes disease that does not cause death. If herpes skin subjugate, and if not treated immediately will leave a permanent scar, "he said.

While Bell's Palsy disease attack nerve muscles. "But do not worry, this disease can be cured because the virus remains in the category of virus is very benign," said the doctor.

For a neurologist, just to see the faces of patients who complained of is enough to detect the beginning that the people affected by Bell's Palsy. If the face is paralyzed right side, meaning the dead nerves left.

In contrast to hepatitis or measles, the disease is no prevention. Moreover, the disease is relatively rare and does not cause death.

"Prevention is done alone is keeping the house clean. For those who have a job with mobility on the road, you should keep away from the wind is continuously on the skin, "explained the doctor.

Conversely, if it is exposed, it can take antiviral drugs commonly used to treat herpes and vitamin for nerves.

According to him, every person can be exposed to this virus. However, the most vulnerable are adults. "If you have no symptoms of the muscle paralysis in the face, do not be left for more than three days. See a doctor immediately, in order to recover later than one week and not cause scars, "he added.
