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Small Breasts, Does Not Mean a Little Milk
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Many expectant mothers are concerned with the size of small breasts. They worry that milk production will not be sufficient.
"The number of milk is not determined by the size of the large or small breasts," said Lactation Counselor at one of the hospitals in south east asia.
Doctors explained, because milk production occurs driven by several hormones, including prolactin and oxytocin. In general, 2-3 days after birth, milk production increased due to the inhibiting hormone (existing since before birth) began to decline.
Milk-producing hormone prolactin is produced more at night. "Therefore, breast-feeding at the time able to maintain milk supply," he said.
Meanwhile, the oxytocin hormone produced by the brain, which appears due to stimulation of the nipple while the baby feeds. Hormones that are sent from the brain then squeeze the glands filled with milk, to the next exit through the nipple.
The hormone is also sometimes referred to as the love hormone. The doctor said that this hormone can make a woman so in love with her baby, and put her at ease.
"Mothers who give the baby a bottle may not have the same feeling," said the doctor. "Because oxytocin reflex is strongly influenced by the thoughts, feelings and sensations mother."
Positive feeling, a kind of happy and satisfied with their babies, as well as his confidence that breastfeeding is best for baby, can help the oxytocin reflex works. "That way, her milk flowing," said the doctor.
Instead of negative feelings, such as pain, anxiety, anger or worry that not having enough milk, can inhibit oxytocin reflex. Even stop the milk flow.
"Breast milk production is also controlled in the breast itself," said the doctor.
It might, he said, the hormones oxytocin and prolactin are both flow to the breasts, but only one breast that produce milk. This occurs due to abnormal breast milk out, so much left to do. Production to be hampered.
The most straightforward example, when more babies suckling on one breast, then breast milk it will produce more than the other. "With the baby sucked or milked, the milk production inhibitors come out," said the doctor.
So the key, the more frequent breast removed, either by sucked or milked, the more milk will be produced. In addition to psychological factors and this naturally produce milk, some food can also help.
Doctors said, including cinnamon leaves, papaya leaves, and nuts. The food was known as laktagog.
These foods should be consumed during lactation extra. But most important is keeping the mothers food intake by eating foods high nutritional value, varied, with portions just enough to not need excessive.
Here are tips from doctors to improve oksitosi reflex stimulation, which is able to produce breast milk hormones:
1. For her husband and family: mother help psychologically raised by his confidence.
2. Try to help reduce the sources of pain and anxiety.
3. Help the mother also build positive thoughts and feelings about her baby.
4. For new mothers, often sitting quietly, alone or with a supportive friend. Some mothers can be flushed easily in a group of fellow nursing mothers
5. Hugging babies with skin contact if possible. Mother can baby in her lap as she hugged express the milk. If not possible, can, looking at her baby. If this is not possible as well, sometimes just by staring at pictures of her baby can help.
Healthy Soul