Sunbathing Increase Fertility of Women and Men

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Many ways in which to have children. Including conducting honeymoon after getting married. If you are planning so, try to select the beach. What? why so?

Research conducted by scientists from the University of Graz in Australia, shows basking in the sun helps boost sex hormones and ova for women and testosterone in men.

The results were published in the European Journal of Endocrinology is based on an analysis of 2,300 respondents.

Researchers find vitamin D and testosterone levels increased in August and fell in March after the winter.

Vitamin D which are contained in the sunlight regarded researchers who contributed significantly to the growth of male sperm healthier and move more quickly. In addition, well-known vitamin for bone spur is also testosterone levels to increase libido for men.

As for women, vitamin D helps increase levels of sex hormones, namely progesterone and estrogen by 13 percent 21 percent. Vitamin D also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and make the concept more likely to be the level of fertility.

Although sunlight is considered good, a researcher insists that the couple not too long sunbathing, because prolonged exposure to sunlight triggers the risk of skin cancer.

"Those who want to get pregnant, you should spend time outdoors in order to benefit from the sun or taking supplements of vitamin D, which is a safe and inexpensive way to increase fertility rates," the researchers added.
