Every woman must have had a menstrual period, which indicates that women have eggs that mature and ready to be fertilized. This condition is often called the fertile period or ovulation.
Usually when you're in a menstrual period or on the fertile period, women showed a change either physically or emotionally. Here are some strange things that happen to women because they are influenced by their menstrual cycle :
1. Menstruation make women think more like a man
During the time of the menstrual period, estrogen levels decrease and the hormone testosterone increased. This indicates that the behavior, sound and behavior of women would be more 'manly' than the day-to-day outside the menstrual period.
2. Stress affects menstrual irregularities
Women's brains respond to stressful events by releasing stress hormones that can interfere in regulating the menstrual cycle. As a result, irregular periods or cycles become shorter or longer.
3. Menstruation increases libido
Many women find that their libido is higher in the menstrual period. This is due to low progesterone levels during the menstrual period which resulted in increased sex drive.
4. Make women fertile furious with another woman
Women who are in the fertile period is usually being "not very friendly" with another woman. At the time of ovulation (around day 12 to day 21 menstrual cycle), the feeling of wanting to compete with other women is getting higher. At the time of ovulation, women often give bad comment when asked about the other woman.
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