The 4 Most Dangerous Thing of Beauty Trends for Vagina

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Women are very concerned about beauty. Not only beauty treatments in the face, intimate area did not escape the attention. Now, beauty treatments vagina being trendy. So you are ready to join the trend, then be prepared to run the risk of health hazard.

Following the trend of beauty for Miss V is dangerous:

Painting the pubic hair.
Skin in the pubic area is much easier because it is very sensitive to irritation than your scalp. So, think again before coloring pubic hair to prevent irritation in the Miss V.

Bleaching or whitening is done deliberately so that women have a brighter skin around the vagina. Unfortunately, bleaching can cause skin irritation, blisters and even difficult defecation. "If done incorrectly, there is the possibility of risk of herpes or bacterial infection," explains dermatologist.

Brazilian waxing.
Eliminate virtually all the pubic hair is not a good idea. Do you realize that pubic hair provides protection for your vagina? "Waxing can lift or tear delicate skin, causing ingrown hairs, rashes and infections," said the chief of dermatology at Carolinas Medical Center, Carolina.

Vagina piercing.
Not only in the ear or nose alone. Trends are quite eccentric piercing is also done around the vagina. Of course the risk of infection is very large, given your intimate area is very sensitive. Beware also the risk of swelling and redness.
